Welcome to your time profile assessment!

This is a fun assessment that will assist you to uncover your time ‘personality’ for your upcoming Time Clinic training.

Please answer the following questions as quickly as you can. Do not overthink your answers and remember there is no right or wrong answer!

Your results will be emailed to you. Please keep them in a safe place for your upcoming training.

Please note that your results may not make sense to you right now, but all will be revealed shortly! We can’t wait to share The Time Clinic experience with you!

    Please fill in your details. Your responses will be mailed to you once you're done.


    Please answer these questions as honestly as possible, do not overthink your responses and rate yourself according the following scale.
    Note there is no right or wrong answer to these questions.

    1 - Strongly Agree | 2 - Agree | 3 - Neutral / Undecided | 4 - Disagree | 5 - Strongly Disagree

    1. I make lists of the things I need to do

    2. I can keep working at difficult or uninteresting tasks if I feel they are constructive for my life

    3. I feel there will always be time for me to catch up on my work

    4. I complete tasks in time by making steady progress

    5. I meet my obligations to friends, clients and work on time

    6. I prefer to take each day as it comes rather than plan ahead

    7. I weigh up the pros and cons before making decisions

    8. I set goals and create action plans in order to attain these goals

    9. I attend to deadlines and necessary tasks for tomorrow before I have fun today

    10. I believe one's day should be planned every morning

    11. I don't worry if things are not completed on time

    12. I get stressed out when I am late

    13. I can resist being tempted or distracted by other things if there is work I need to do

    Well done! You've completed 25%

    Please continue with the next questions.

    Please answer these questions as honestly as possible, do not overthink your responses and rate yourself according the following scale.
    Note there is no right or wrong answer to these questions.

    1 - Strongly Agree | 2 - Agree | 3 - Neutral / Undecided | 4 - Disagree | 5 - Strongly Disagree

    1. I try and live my life as fully as possible, one day at a time

    2. I prefer friends who are spontaneous rather than predictable boring ones

    3. I follow my heart, not my head

    4. I make decisions on the spur of the moment

    5. I would ideally like to live each day as if it were my last

    6. I lose track of time when listening to my favourite music

    7. One of life's most important pleasures is getting together with friends for fun

    8. I tend to get caught up in the excitement of the moment

    9. Creating excitement is worth taking risks for

    10. It is important to me to create excitement in my life

    11. I can be impulsive

    12. Enjoying what I am doing is more imprtant to me than getting tasks completed on time

    13. Enjoying the journey is more important to me than focussing on the destination

    14. I avoid boredom in my life by taking risks

    15. My intimate relationships need to be passionate

    Well done! You've completed 50%

    Please continue with the next questions.

    Please answer these questions as honestly as possible, do not overthink your responses and rate yourself according the following scale.
    Note there is no right or wrong answer to these questions.

    1 - Strongly Agree | 2 - Agree | 3 - Neutral / Undecided | 4 - Disagree | 5 - Strongly Disagree

    1. I prefer spending money as I earn it rather than saving it for a future which I have no control over

    2. I can't do anything about the future, so there is no point in worrying about it

    3. Thinking about goals and the future takes all the enjoyment out of things

    4. Life today is too complicated and I prefer the simplicity of the past

    5. Much of my life is determined by fate and luck

    6. It doesn't matter what I do, since what will be will be

    7. Things change so much that I don’t see the point in planning for the future

    8. My life is controlled by so many things that I cannot influence

    9. Luck gets me further in life than hard work

    Well done! You've completed 75%

    Please continue with the next questions.

    Please choose the answer you feel best fits:

    1. You have done a very good job on a project so far, but you are running out of time. Do you?

    2. You would love to take up a new hobby such as painting, but when you start it you realise you are not very good at it. Do you?

    3. What are your feelings toward failure?

    This is the final page. Well done!

    Please continue with the next questions.

    Please choose the answer you feel best fits:

    1. I do not like to juggle several activities at the same time

    2. I don't think people try to do many things at once.

    3. When I sit down at my desk, I work on and finish one task at a time

    4. I am comfortable and enjoy doing several things at the same time.